15 thoughts on “Adrianna Eding

  1. ¡Hola Adriana! Yo estoy rezando (praying) para ti y tu experiencia en Guatemala. Yo estoy muy emocionada para escucharé de sus tramas (stories) y como Jesús trabajará en su vida y en las vidas de los niños en Guatemala. ¡Yo quiero que tu hagas buenas memorias de este viaje! Anna I am so so so excited for you, I know how much you wanted to go on this trip and how excited you were for it. Be yourself Ann and show those kids your funny side!!! I miss you and love you so much!! Have a good time Anna, I’ll see you soon!!!!


  2. toby- thanks! landed but have no bags…hopefully getting it tomorrow! thanks for the prayers miss you too.
    cora- thanks cora have a great week! i will hopefully have many stories..already have many from the travels! almost order 6 fries today for 4 of us!


  3. Hugs to you all! Lexi must not check her messages…. Hope you are taking pics:)…. Miss everyone can’t wait til your home….love ya!


  4. Hola Adriana! Espero que tu tengas un buen viaje en Guatemala. Yo estoy rezando para ti y los niños en Guatemala contigo. Estoy emocionada escuchar su experiencia allí. See you soon! I bet your having a blast with the kids! Love you!


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